GATE Academy

GATE Academy
Humboldt State University, 1 Harpst St, Arcata, CA 95521, USA

Over 800 gifted students in grades 4-8 gather at Humboldt State University each January for a day of creative thinking and learning that extends well beyond core curriculum and compliments their individual talents. GATE Academy attendees are identified by their schools based on their abilities.The Academy features local professional presenters in a wide variety of subjects such as archaeology, drum making, engineering, and math mysteries for 4th-5th graders. For 6th-8th graders, sessions can include movie making, compass and straight edge construction, and sketching.

Beyond challenging students academically, the Academy also provides them a unique opportunity to interact with those from other schools who have similar talents and interests. Additionally, the Academy offers parents of gifted students a special session.

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