ASD Distance Learning Plan
In response to COVID-19, the ASD Board of Trustees initially approved school closure
through April 10, 2020 at a Special-Emergency Board meeting on March 17, 2020.
Then in response to the continued escalation of COVID-19, the ASD Board of Trustees
approved extending school closure to the end of the 2019/2020 school year at a
Special Board meeting on April 2, 2020. Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-26-20
on March 4, 2020 outlines requirements for continued funding of school districts during
school closure, including the delivery of “high-quality educational opportunities to
students to the extent feasible through, among other options, distance learning and/or
independent study.” In response, District administration has worked with stakeholders
in the development of a Distance Learning Plan. This plan was approved by the ASD
Board of Trustees on May 11, 2020.